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Word for the Day - 6

Yet a time is coming when you will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. (John 4:23)

The Samaritan woman was very concerned about the externals of worship (where and how etc), but Jesus was in essence telling her that the Father looks at the heart. Jesus revealed that the Father longs for a relationship and intimacy with himself that is built on trust and recognition of his character. He is not impressed with an outward show of piety that does not ring true.

A friend of mine shared his story about how his incorrect assumptions about what the Father was like led to false worship and disastrous consequences. One day he was presented with the gospel, and this transformed his life. As we recognize the true ‘worth’ of the Father, we become more authentically who we were made to be and the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.

Let's Pray...

  • that our worship will come out of loving relationship with Father and will be based on the truth of what he says about himself

  • that we all may encourage one another to be the kind of worshipers the Father seeks


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