We are unified in our diversity - not all the same. We come from many backgrounds and cultures. Building true multicultural community is hard work and takes sustained, intentional decisions to build a family together. We truly value our differences.
We are a family of families - we rejoice in being multi-generational. From cradle to grave the church family welcomes all! Family life is not always easy - but its glorious when we do all we can to hold our family together. We value all from our children and youth, and from young adults to our elderly.
We listen to and make room for each other, valuing the creativity and passion of the young and the wisdom of the old.
We are Christ-centred - we see Jesus' life and witness as our primary model for ministry. We are committed to reading Scripture through the lens of God's revelation in Jesus. We do everything for the glory of Jesus.
It’s not the church that has a mission, but the God of mission who has a church
We are mission-shaped - we are led by the Holy Spirit to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to a desperate World through our words and our actions.
We are Anglican - our faith is based on the Bible, the traditions of the apostolic succession of the church, and the creeds and liturgies passed down by them.
We are evangelical - we take God’s word seriously and are committed to reading it (2 Timothy 3:16). We try to understand Scripture within its historical context and its application to our lives today.
We are charismatic - we pursue the work and gifts of the Holy Spirit. Only He can exchange hearts of stone for flesh (Ezekiel 36:26) and restore and heal broken hearts and bodies.
We want to create space to hear what the Spirit says to us, allowing space for his transforming work in us. (Joel 2:28-29)
The Holy Spirit... restores and heals broken hearts and bodies.