When the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Father – the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father – he will testify about me. John 15:26
The Holy Spirit, also called the Counselor and Helper, came at Pentecost from the Father and has remained with us since then. It’s Jesus who asked the Father to send the Holy Spirit and it’s the Father who sent Him.
I testify that “the Spirit who goes out from the Father” has come alongside me in what must have been the same way in which Jesus did with His disciples. As Advocate or Counselor, He has helped, encouraged and strengthened me and as the “Spirit of truth” He has taught me, illuminated my understanding and reminded me of my purpose.
As Jesus is set before us and His teachings unfolded to us, it’s the Holy Spirit from Father God who gives wisdom to help us examine our lives, see past our self-deception and perceive the trustworthiness of God’s Word, moving us to respond in faith, trust and belief.
Let’s pray…
that we will know, experientially and continually, the encouragement of the Holy Spirit, as He comes alongside us especially as we face life’s critical challenges.
that we will know the truth that sets us free and be able to share testimony to that reality both verbally and through how we do what we do.