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Word for the Day - 23

Jesus: “For I did not speak on my own, but the Father who sent me commanded me to say all that I have spoken.” John 12:49

The words of Jesus, his conversations, stories, parables … were the exact words his Father instructed Jesus to share with the people. Jesus’ interactions and relationships were initiated by God’s love for His people. Jesus did not speak on his own authority, but was authorized by his Father. He shared with the people all that God told him to say, because he knew that the words given to him by Father God lead to eternal life (v50). Jesus lived what he taught his followers … he listened to God and spent time with Him, he obeyed and fulfilled God’s will for his life. Do I/we welcome God’s words into our hearts and trust His faithful love to transform our hearts and mind?

Let's Pray...

Please, Father, increase our thirst and hunger for more of you in our lives. Show us what you want to accomplish in our lives through the circumstances we face in our daily lives. Open our eyes to see the depth of your love for each one of us and help us to spend regular times with you.


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