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Word for the Day - 22

Jesus said to them: "If God were your Father, you would love me, for I have come here from God. I have not come on my own; God sent me.” John 8:42

Once again Jesus had to remind the people that he was indeed sent by God to help them come back into a trusting and loving relationship with their Heavenly Father. They seemed unable to see and hear the truth Jesus spoke and that he and his Father loved and trusted each other and worked in unison. Jesus told them that those who really believed in God, his Father, who trusted and loved God, could not help but love Jesus too. As God’s children we do not obey Father God out of fear, but follow Jesus’ example and learn to wholeheartedly love, obey and trust God even when facing difficult times. I wonder what made it hard for the people to trust Jesus and love him?

Let's Pray...

  • Please, Father, reveal to us how you want us to live here on earth … how we can bring honor and glory to you through the way we relate with our brothers and sisters at St John’s.

  • Help us to be thankful and to treasure your incredible gift of being part of your family.

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